Recovery Week

After last week’s Cleveland Marathon 5K and half marathon, I spent this week listening to my body. This meant I did not get in a lot runs unfortunately! 

I woke up Monday feeling pretty sore in my quads, and my left quad/hip area in particular was sore. This is where I had an injury in the beginning of the training cycle, so I didn’t want to take it lightly. I went out for a few short runs, a few short walks, but that was really it this week.

This lack of activity worked with my schedule – I had a busy few days after traveling last week, and a training this week and catching up. My daughter finished school Wednesday, and was home Thursday and Friday. So, I didn’t have any lunch hours open for walks, etc. and also didn’t have time to myself during the day for any breaks. But we’re almost done with our month of MAYhem!

Here’s how the week looked:

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