Recovery Week

After last week’s Cleveland Marathon 5K and half marathon, I spent this week listening to my body. This meant I did not get in a lot runs unfortunately! 

I woke up Monday feeling pretty sore in my quads, and my left quad/hip area in particular was sore. This is where I had an injury in the beginning of the training cycle, so I didn’t want to take it lightly. I went out for a few short runs, a few short walks, but that was really it this week.

This lack of activity worked with my schedule – I had a busy few days after traveling last week, and a training this week and catching up. My daughter finished school Wednesday, and was home Thursday and Friday. So, I didn’t have any lunch hours open for walks, etc. and also didn’t have time to myself during the day for any breaks. But we’re almost done with our month of MAYhem!

Here’s how the week looked:

Sunday: Half marathon! As I shared in my recap post, I ran fast (for me) and enjoyed the course, even with the few hills it had and the heat.


More pics from my instagram (@koskim), including below:

Monday: 1 mile run, some core work and stretching, 25 minutes on the indoor bike, 1.72 mi walk with GM I was glad to get in a walk with GM, because I had a long day of training in the office, and then LM had her last ballet before the summer and FW had his first baseball game so we didn’t have much downtime. I also got in some time with my massage gun, which I’m hoping helps my quads.

Tuesday: 2.04 miles running and 11 minutes on the bike – I was dragging Tuesday morning after getting to bed late Monday night after FW’s first soccer game, and woke up late. Then, school was closed unexpectedly due to a water main break so my morning did not go as planned – no time for a walk or anything in my schedule! I took it easy with only 2 miles of a run; I’m really hoping not to get injured again so listening to my body and being extra careful.

Wednesday: 4.02 miles running and 2 mile walk – Wednesday was a much better day than Tuesday! I got in a short run (with a little walking) and felt pretty good the full time. It was great to be back outside and running without pain and just a little soreness. It gives me hope for the next few months and staying healthy this summer! I also got in a stroller walk with GM after dropping the kids off at the bus stop. It was LM’s last day of kindergarten and I definitely had all the feels after she got on the bus!


Thursday: 5.13 mile run and ~2 mile walk with LM and GM – I woke up feeling tired but great! I was glad to get in a 5 mile run and felt good the whole time. Hooray for not being sore still! I also got in a 2ish mile walk with LM and GM in the morning – we walked to the bakery to buy bread and had some treats on our walk home. LM is officially done with school now!

Friday: 5.18 mi run and some core work – Another pre-work run, but this time I had time for a little core work. I need to get back at core activities – it’s crazy how fast you get out of shape when you don’t do them for a few week! It was LM’s birthday and we spent the day doing fun activities, and then that night we celebrated LM’s birthday with a few friends

Saturday: 5.01 mi run – We had a big day ahead of us with LM’s family birthday celebration, FW’s First Communion – and all the other fun Saturday activities, including a soccer tournament for FW and baseball practice. So, I knew before the craziness set in, I’d need a good run. It was a good run – I ran fast (for me) and felt great!

Total: 35.87 mi of running

Questions for you:

  • Is May a crazy month for you?
  • How long do you take off after a half marathon?

I am linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

9 thoughts on “Recovery Week

  1. You had a lot of miles in spite of taking it easy! I’m always amazed at how much free time I have when I cut back on training, lol.

    Do you have any big plans for the summer?

  2. Looks like it was a great recovery week! Your mileage is so impressive, on a recovery week, nonetheless. My body doesn’t like anything over 25-ish/week, which is why those weeks don’t happen very often, LOL. I’m pretty busy with the bike, so everything balances out, I guess.

  3. Oh, wow! You had a lot going on! May is super busy for us… it’s my birthday and Mother’s Day and the end of school, in addition to all the other things.

    You did amazing getting through it all – and that photo of LM is too precious! It’s so amazing and also so hard when they go through all those milestones.

    I usually take off a few days after a half, but that’s just me.

  4. It’s great that you’re feeling so good and having some nice runs after your race last weekend.

    May is no longer crazy for me now that my sons are grown.

  5. I laugh when you say 35 miles is a cut back week. That’s peak for me.

    But I’m glad that you listened to your body and took it easy.

    I did the same.

    What’s next on your racing schedule?

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