That’s Hot

Welp, it definitely felt like summer this week! It was HOT and HUMID, which made for some sweaty and sticky runs. Most days this week were in the 90s, but “felt like” 100+. We don’t get a lot of that in Cleveland, and honestly, I don’t mind it. I much prefer this weather than sub 20-degree temps, which it feels like we get more of!

I’ve always been a hater of the cold. If I get cold, I feel that with no matter how many layers, I can’t get warm. I’ll wear sweater after sweater and sweatshirt and blanket, and I stay cold. But for me, the second I step into AC, I cool down. I know not everyone is like that, and maybe I’d feel differently if I lived somewhere it was hotter and more regularly 90+ degrees, but I can’t complain about this week! I still managed to get in some runs and walks, just a little slower and sweatier than usual. AND we had swim lessons M-Th, so I spent some time in the pool (mostly holding GM, not actually swimming unfortunately) most evenings so I stayed cool that way!

Here’s how the week looked:

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Almost Summertime Running

Happy almost official start of summer! It feels like summer here and I’m loving it. We had some good sunshine this week, some warm days, but all in all, not bad running weather here.

Some highlights for this week –

I got in a long (for me) run on Sunday – 9 miles! I am not training for anything right now, and it felt good to get outside and run. I also felt good the rest of the week – no big soreness after completing the 9 miler.

I did a 5K race with FW! I didn’t get to truly race it (for me) because I wanted to run with FW the full time, but I also wanted to push him to run fast (for him). We haven’t run together in a while (since Christmas!) so it was great to get outside and run with him. He did great – and then after the race went to baseball practice so he was definitely tired!

Here’s how the week looked:

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Celebrating Running

Happy belated Global Running Day to those who celebrate! 

Cleveland had a fun celebration that included a run along a lakefront path right near downtown and more, but it was at 6 p.m., which conflicted with our existing plans. Now, if only someone would host a 6 AM (or even better, 5 a.m.) running celebration – I’d be in!

That said, I did “celebrate” the day by going for my own run, and internally, celebrating the fact that I run. It’s hard not to take for granted the fact that I can run — I know I’m very lucky that I have the resources to run, including the time to run, a place to run, childcare, job flexibility, access to running paths/routes near me, a supportive spouse, and of course, I’m lucky to have a body that let’s me run.

So this week, I’m celebrating the fact that I get to run, and am so glad that I can do it!

Here’s how the week looked:

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So long, MAYhem

And just like that, MAYhem is over! May is always our craziest month of the year. As if it weren’t crazy enough with kids activities and end of school year, it’s also my busiest month of work with our annual meeting and then I travel out of town. 

May was a pretty good month – here were some highlights, both running and non-running related:

  • Great month for work: After months of prep, I had a successful work trip to Orlando!
  • Great month for racing: I completed the Cleveland Marathon Challenge Series for the half marathon, finishing the 5K and half marathon with times I haven’t seen in 5+ years
  • Lots going on with the family: The month included a ballet recital for LM, GM concluding his first soccer league, FW’s first piano recital, FW’s first communion, plus plenty of other activities like weekly ice skating lessons for LM, baseball games starting for FW, plus wrapping up of soccer for FW (we end in June)
  • LM’s birthday: We celebrated LM’s birthday with a fun day of mother-daughter activities, plus a birthday party with friends and then a get-together with family
  • Total Miles Run: 140+ miles – despite everything going on, I had many long runs as I got ready for race day and had a great month of miles!


I’m not going to lie, I think it’s all been catching up with me because this week I found myself barely able to get out of bed and I was TIRED! That meant a little less than usual in terms of workouts because I snoozed too long and ran out of time. Also, LM was off school, so that meant not much time for mid-day walks. With that, here’s how the week looked:

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