Almost Summertime Running

Happy almost official start of summer! It feels like summer here and I’m loving it. We had some good sunshine this week, some warm days, but all in all, not bad running weather here.

Some highlights for this week –

I got in a long (for me) run on Sunday – 9 miles! I am not training for anything right now, and it felt good to get outside and run. I also felt good the rest of the week – no big soreness after completing the 9 miler.

I did a 5K race with FW! I didn’t get to truly race it (for me) because I wanted to run with FW the full time, but I also wanted to push him to run fast (for him). We haven’t run together in a while (since Christmas!) so it was great to get outside and run with him. He did great – and then after the race went to baseball practice so he was definitely tired!

Here’s how the week looked:

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