It’s My Birthday!

I had a somewhat big birthday this past weekend. That’s right – I officially am no longer in my twenties.

me at 20

me at 20 with my friend and roomie Cait at BC. Look the same, right? Ha!

I don’t know if it has hit me yet – I know a few of my friends who had minor freakouts when they hit thirty. Other friends at 29 set up “30 before 30” checklists and in a year tried to check everything off their list. Maybe it was the fact that we just got back from a big vacation and I honestly hadn’t had time to think about it, but none of that happened to me. In fact, I somewhat forgot about my birthday (I know, yipes!) until about a week before and then didn’t really have the chance to process it and then it was here! Don’t worry, if I have a freakout or something I’m sure I’ll share it with you. Maybe when I hit 31?

Anyway, thank you to all the friends, family and coworkers that made my birthday celebration SO special. B originally wanted to plan a trip somewhere warm and while I wouldn’t normally turn down a weekend warm weather getaway, we had just gotten back from Asia and I was happy to have the weekend to spend in Cleveland. And it was a pretty fabulous weekend! Some highlights:

Going out to dinner at Flying Fig. B and I split their bread board, bacon wrapped dates, a goat cheese salad and homemade fig ice cream. We also had our own dinner entrees. Needless to say, I was stuffed!

Going out to dinner at Flying Fig. This was my stuffed acorn squash. It was amazing.

Going out to dinner at Flying Fig. This was my stuffed acorn squash. It was amazing.

Grabbing drinks with friends and coworkers downtown.


drinks! part of the group

A trip to the West Side Market and Soupermarket. Pretty much my favorite way to spend Saturdays and I’m so glad B knows this 🙂

soup and bread at Soupermarket!

soup and bread at Soupermarket! (not pictured- apple fritter from the West Side Market)

Some shopping, getting my nails done AND seeing a movie! We saw American Sniper which was SO good but not the best birthday movie to see … it was sad on so so so many levels.

freshly done nails and tea!

freshly done nails and tea!

Enjoying my favorite salad at The Stone Oven. Yes, more food-related highlights. Confession: I’ve had this twice in the week we’ve been back … It has feta, couscous, tabbouleh, amazing croutons, roasted red pepper and chicken. And comes with more bread!

Jaina's Salad at The Stone Oven

Jaina’s Salad at The Stone Oven

Some runs, of course! I started off my birthday with 5 indoor miles (it was too icy and cold to be outside alone in my opinion) and realize I am slowly getting back into my running groove after our vacation. Because it was my birthday, B ran with my TWICE this week. An easy 3.75 mi run and then a not-so-easy (but should have been) 6 miler on Sunday. It was icy, there were patches of snow, and it was windy and cold. I was not having it and actually asked B if he wanted to turn around after 1 mile and try indoors, but he made me keep going. I had planned on doing 5k fast (as part of the Runs For Cookies Virtual 5k) but that didn’t happen. I still made it 5k+3 so I was happy in the end.

This week's  runs, courtesy Dailymile

This week’s runs, courtesy Dailymile

Enjoying a suite for the Cavs game – and they brought home a [big] win against the Charlotte Hornets.

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We ended the weekend with some reading and relaxing at a local coffee shop, a brisk (brr) nature walk (anything outside of downtown=nature walk) and then Sunday family dinner with my in-laws.

beautiful and snowy day for a run and walk

beautiful and snowy day for a run and walk

Some questions for you:

  • Do you make lists of things to do before a certain date/time? Or perhaps a list of things to do in a year? Or a bucket list? What’s on your list?
  • Any other winter babies? How do you spend your birthdays?
  • Tea or coffee? Both! Sometimes. I like coffee drinks if I need a boost, otherwise I just drink herbal tea.