Tuesdays on the Run: Finishing Up A Sick Week

Last week, you may recall, I was fighting a sick week. I had a cold-turned-sinus infection and was tired, my head hurt and it was hard to breathe. So, I took it easy a few days, did some walk/runs and slept in.

BUT, thankfully I’m feeling nearly all better and back at running!  Here is some of my mileage from last week:

The week’s running highlight?

Saturday I got in a stroller run/walk with FW while B did some work around the house. He enjoyed when we were running more so than when we were walking. AND he fell asleep just as we were finishing up.

Some questions for you:

  • Have you had a sinus infection recently? What’s your go-to remedy?
  • Are you doing any races anytime soon?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!

6 thoughts on “Tuesdays on the Run: Finishing Up A Sick Week

  1. I can’t believe he was able to sleep. I would think kids would be so entertained looking at everything along the way during the run. Luckily I have not been sick for quite some time but I seem to get sick after every marathon I do, and I have one next week. Fingers crossed I don’t!

  2. It seems like there are definitely bugs going around right now. Knock wood, I’ve not had a sinus infection but my husband does and he’s miserable. I’ve got the Hot Chocolate 15k coming up on 10/29.

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