Tuesdays on the Run: Feeling Good!

The theme for last week is “feeling good.” Really – I felt pretty good all week! I took it somewhat easy again with no runs lasting longer than 5 miles, took 1 day off, and even got in a day of a stroller run and a day of running with a friend. Which made for a pretty well-rounded, good week.

This week’s running highlights:

Basically we had PERFECT running weather all week! The weather was cool in the mornings but there was no need to wear layers. And then on the weekends it was 75 degrees high in the afternoon.

This made for great weather for a stroller run with FW on Sunday. We got in a little over 3 miles and despite me feeling really winded during the whole ordeal (and running 11+min/miles), I enjoyed it. AND, he fell asleep toward the end, which is always nice.  

It was also pretty perfect weather for a 3.6 (must be the magic number?!) mile run with my friend Nicole on Saturday. I neglected to take a pic of the both of us, here’s a pic afterwards of just me.

It’s been great to feel good running – my piriformis pain is GONE – and while I’m still much slower than I was a few months ago, running pain free is the best.

Some questions for you:

  • How has the weather been near you for running?
  • Do run solo or with friends or a group?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!

7 thoughts on “Tuesdays on the Run: Feeling Good!

  1. We kinda have the same weather over here right now in Northern California and it’s actually perfect running weather. I love this time of year!
    So happy to hear that you’re running pain free again. Injury is the most frustrating thing.

  2. Great week and hooray for a happy piriformis! Typically I run solo but I’m training a couple of people whom I’m doing some training runs with now. Our weather took a turn to the nasty side. Cold, wind and rain all day, turning to frost later this week. Oh well.

  3. It’s FINALLY getting nice in FL… at least for a few days! Too bad I can’t run now, haha, go figure! SO GLAD your piriformis is feeling better! I agree- I’d rather be bit slower and run pain free!

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