Getting Back Into Running After a Baby

Getting back into running after having a baby is HARD. And I know that it’s going to be harder for me this time around because I wasn’t as active. Yes, I still ran/walked throughout the entire pregnancy, but with FW, I was literally running up until the day before he was born. With LM, the runs were much more walk/runs, so I expect that my return to running will be somewhat similar.

With B and FW after “running” the Cleveland Marathon 5k. I looked a little rougher after the next day’s 10k! Both were done while 39 weeks pregnant.

After running a 5k while pregnant with FW. I ran much more with him!

That being said – I’m getting ready to be back! The weather for the most part has been nice and I am seeing people out running all the time while I’m on maternity leave. And I yearn to be them – running, outside and free!

This week, I did a few walk/runs on the treadmill, in addition to my daily walks with LM outside. I was able to do them on the treadmill while she napped beside me, and were all taken VERY easy, as I’m still a few weeks out from my 6 week check-up. How easy? Let’s say that my first day my goal was to run a mile at a 12 min/mile pace. And it felt HARD.

Here’s how the week looked. In terms of steps:

Monday: 4.3 miles – ran/walk on treadmill

Tuesday: 3.6 miles – ran/walk on treadmill

Wednesday: 3.6 miles – ran/walk on treadmill

Saturday: 1.92 miles total … 95+ degree temps and me being alone with the kids for the afternoon meant not much activity during the day. But when B got home at night, I was really feeling the urge to get out there. Was it super hot and humid? Yes. But after being home alone with the 2 kids for the afternoon, it felt GREAT to run outside for the first time in more than a month! I only did just under 2 miles, but was happy to be out there.

As you can see, it’s not much. BUT – if I can keep it up and continue to run/walk a few times a week, I hope to be back running running soon!!

Some questions for you:

  • How long after you gave birth did you start running again?
  • Was it super hot and humid near you this weekend?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!