No Complaints

For once, I have no complaints about my week! I feel like every single week I have some excuse – something interfering with my training. During this training cycle I’ve had injuries, a week in Germany, sick kids, no water, crazy weather, and more. But this week – somehow, there were no interruptions in my training. Was it perfect? No – I haven’t done any speed work. But I got in a weekend long run, a mid-week longish run, some walks, some core work and some light weights. 

It was a busy week on our end – outside of work, we had a soccer game and family dinner on Sunday, ballet on Monday, soccer practice and book club on Tuesday, piano lessons and ice skating on Wednesday, baseball and soccer and swimming and a school event on Thursday, soccer and a father/daughter dance on Friday, soccer, birthday party and a school retreat on Saturday … let’s just say, we had a lot going on. So I’m glad that despite being tired, I was able to get up early and get it done! It will continue to be crazy through the end of May, so fingers crossed I can keep this up for another few weeks.

Sunday: 12 miles running outside and 1.75 mile walk. I don’t know what’s up with me this year, but this is my third long run on a weekend! The past few years, all my long runs have been weekdays. My 12 miler last year was on a Tuesday morning before work. This year, however, I’m somehow fitting in some (still somewhat early) long runs on weekends, and I don’t mind it. It’s really nice to be able to run outside on some of my favorite spots that I can’t run on at 4 a.m. or before the sun comes up – namely, places that aren’t well lit or on trails that I don’t want to trip on. Sunday, I got in a nice run in some of my favorite neighborhoods, plus a run around the trails around the lakes near my house. It was COLD for this time of year – 39 degrees – but it was perfect running weather. While my lungs and body were tired, my legs felt great and no pain, so even though I went out thinking I’d try for 11, I decided to get in one more mile to make it to 12. I had gotten out of the house earlier than what I had planned, so I had time to get in 12 before taking FW to soccer.  I then got in a short walk in the afternoon when the weather had warmed up and the sun was out.

12 miles

Monday: 5.54 miles outside plus core workout and 2 miles walking. I was surprised at how I wasn’t sore after my 12 miler on Sunday and decided to see how I would feel after a few miles and cross training. I planned to run 3-4 and then get on the bike, but 3-4 turned into 5.4 which turned into 5.5 and then I ran out of time. Overall, I felt good during the run, even though it was cold out (30s again), but again, that’s a good running weather.  When I went for a lunch walk, it was “feels like 68” which was incredible! It was practically double the temps from when I went out in the morning for my run.

Tuesday5.56 miles running,  core workout, mild arms (very few exercises with a dumbbell) plus 4 miles walking. I woke up to 49/50 degrees, which is perfect capris and vest weather, my favorite! I decided to go out for a few miles – which of course turned into 5. It’s okay – I told myself that it’s supposed to be gross, cold and snowy later in the week and I wanted to take advantage of the nice weather while I could. I made it home for a quick core workout, and then got in a walk with GM before work, and then a walk at lunch. The turtles were out in full force around the lake!


Wednesday: 4.04 miles running,15 minutes on the bike, planking, short abs and 3 miles walking. I got in a run but wasn’t feeling it. I was TIRED after being out a little later than usual at my book club Tuesday night and having a hard time settling into sleep. But after my 4 miles, I got in a short bike ride and then some walking later in the day.

Thursday: 8 miles running, 2.5 mi walking, core work, short arm workout. I wanted to get in a mid-week longerish run and had 8 miles on the schedule. It was COLD out – It was 30s, so I wore a jacket, headband and gloves. I don’t mind running in the cold and for the most part, I felt good. Later, I got in some treadmill miles – a walk – while at lunch and working. I enjoy using a treadmill while doing proofreading and it’s nice to get active at the same time.

Friday: 3.33 mile run outside, 10 minutes on the bike and then 1.75 mi walk later in the day. I was barely able to make it out of bed. I had been up late Thursday night at a mom event, and was tired after a long week. But, I wanted to move my legs and wake up my brain before my Friday, so I got out for “2-3 miles” I told myself. I ended up a little more than 3, including some walking, and then got on the bike for a few minutes before starting my day. I got in a short walk with GM and B before work, and it was almost 20 degrees warmer when we went out! It’s amazing what a little sunshine and a difference the temp can get in spring from pre-dawn to morning.

Saturday: 45 minutes on the bike, planking and some light arms, 2 mile walk later. I woke up thinking I would run 2 miles to warm up before staying inside after a lot of time on my feet this week; but I woke up to thunder! Of course it passed as soon as I had to get ready (to take GM to soccer), but I didn’t mind just having some time without running for the day. My feet were tired after a lot of running miles (for me) during the week and I know it’s good to take time off. I did get in a 30 minute during nap time, which was great because it was 76 degrees and I’m all about those warm weather walks!

Total miles: 38.6 miles running plus misc. on the bike and walking

Questions for you:

  1. How do you survive busy weeks – do you turn to running?
  2. Before running a half marathon, do you do speed training? How far do you run at most before?

I am linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

11 thoughts on “No Complaints

  1. Nice week of miles for you.

    In answer to your questions, yes! This was a tough week for me–between my dog recovering from surgery, my aging parents, and work, I needed my runs!

  2. NIce week for you! Looks like you are right back on track with training. Yes, exercise always helps me feel better when I am stressed or tired or both! Have a great week

  3. Congrats on a solid week! On weekends I do like being able to do routes I won’t do on my dark o’clock weekday runs. With the morning light I need to figure out the timing for sunrise runs again.

  4. Oof! Your week is REALLY busy! Nice job of getting all those miles in. And to answer your question- I always run during busy weeks. Otherwise I would feel like absolute crap. Getting up early is usually the solution.

  5. Wow, such a week stuffed with all sorts of activities! Since I have appointments with a trainer in the gym I get it done no matter how busy I am, and I would be a grumpy mess if I didn’t go to the gym! (This is relevant also without being extraordinarily busy, btw)

    It’s good to see things are going well for you and your mileage is impressive!

  6. Yay for a good week!

    It’s sometimes hard to fit it all in. I have to be super disciplined at getting up in the morning, and then stick to my deadlines so I have the time. Right now, I’m finishingup these comments, so I can scoot along to my next to-do!

    Awesome workouts this week, too!

  7. No complaints! What a great week. Such a treat I’m sure to do your 12 miler on a Saturday. 39 is chilly but great for a long run!

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