Satisfying Snack Cravings with Special K Snack Bars

Here’s something obvious if you know me – I’m a snacky person. I eat 3 meals a day, but snack all day long. Some days I plan ahead – yogurt and fruit, carrots and peanuts, celery and PB2, a sweet potato, etc. But other days I haven’t meal prepped and am forced to simply eat what is around me – my apartment, the office, or wherever I am. A handful of nuts here, a few peanut M&Ms there, rarely am I satisfied and often I’m left wishing I’d planned ahead.

I’m usually hungry at my desk at 2 or 3pm and I’ve found a snack that I’m so excited about ā€“ Special K Chewy Snack Bars. They’ve just come out this month and meet the needs of my snackattack – are delicious, nutritious and only 100 calories! Disclosure – Special K sent me the bars to try out (along with a sweet – no pun intended – care package) and asked me to review them.

Sweaty selfie – taking a bite after a workout

What I liked:

  • Wide variety of flavors: I’m a fan of all the choices – there are fruity flavors and chocolatey flavors! Flavors include berry medley, blueberry bliss, salted caramel chocolate and salted pretzel chocolate. Berry medley may be my favorite.
  • The texture: I’m not a big fan of crunchy granola bars – I believe that crunchy bars belong chopped up in my yogurt. So these are a perfect, delicious, chewy snack option! And you can actually see (and taste) the chunks of goodness (fruit, chocolate, pretzels, etc.) in them!
  • Portable: I can fit one (or three) in my purse easily – or a box in my car for road trips. I wish I had these with me on the airplane during my recent Asia trip!


What I didn’t like:

  • They’re teeny tiny. Well, at least smaller than I was hoping. But, at only 100 calories, what can be expected?
  • The ingredients aren’t as “clean” if I were to make these bars myself – but again, that’s to be expected. These are a great on-the-go option for those times I don’t meal plan or make granola bars or other snacks.

For more info on the new Special K Chewy Snack Bars, visit

Some questions for you:

  • Any new snack recommendations?
  • How do you like your granola bars – chewy? Textured? Smooth? Crunchy?

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Special K.


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