WIAW: Wednesday Beers (and food)

When I first saw What I Ate Wednesday posts a while back, I was a little confused. I thought that these were what people ate ON a Wednesday. I wondered how they captured it – was it the previous week? Was it what they planned for that day? It took a while and then I finally realized that it was just someone’s food – and they posted it on a Wednesday. Whoops. Anyway, for this week, I decided to share ACTUAL Wednesday eats – from last week. So this week’s WIAW foods are actually Wednesday foods! But not today’s foods. Confused yet?

Wednesday morning B and I took a pre-work walk for coffee and pastries. I just LOVE Bloom’s baked goods and if you go in the morning they have a great selection. Their almond croissants are my favorite.


FW took a nap after our walk so I had time to make myself breakfast after B left for work! A runny egg, some egg whites, sweet potato with coconut oil and grapes. 20160727_095823

Lunch included a few random eats – an arugula salad with a corn salsa (courtesy of B’s mom) and goat cheese, a nectarine and leftover zoodles topped with a few bites of a veggie burger I hadn’t finished the day before.


I was able eat the lunch with TWO hands because I was wearing FW. He hates being put in the wrap but it’s so nice to have both hands free and he calms down shortly after being put in it.20160727_162118

Afternoon snacks included more PB&J muffins and some beet chips. 20160727_161337 20160727_170913

For dinner, we had plans to meet up with B’s family and go to the Hofbrauhaus for his brother John’s birthday. We snacked on some appetizers (including a large pretzel and this large lunchmeat platter) and I had some of their hefeweizen to drink.20160727_185502

And for dinner? Their roasted chicken and potato salad. It was half of a chicken and I didn’t eat it all – but it made for GREAT leftovers on Thursday!20160727_194347

And that sums up my day of eats from Wednesday. Now, some questions for you:

  • Do you drink beer in the middle of the week? Or mostly on weekends?
  • How do you like your eggs?  I like whites or super runny! Or both (like above).