Training Tuesday: Cleveland Marathon Kickoff Run (And Discount Code!)

Happy Tuesday! It’s actually a special Tuesday over here – it’s my birthday, woo woo!

And like any runner, I was looking forward to starting the day semi-early and going for a run.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here is how last week’s runs went:

It was mostly an indoor week, but I did get in one outdoor run – Saturday was the Cleveland Marathon kickoff run! B and I did a 5k or so with FW in the stroller. 

It was a nice size group of people – you can’t see me in the group photo (just the top of my head- I’m in front of B and FW and behind the girl with the big pink hat) because I’m too short it seems! I should be closer to the front next time. I’m an ambassador for the race, so I hope to get out to another group run soon!

That run was the highlight of my week. I had been feeling in a slump, just trying to run on the treadmill lately and not really feeling it, but getting outside felt GREAT.

ALSO – exciting news! I have a 10% discount code if you are interested in registering for ANY of the Cleveland Marathon events. Use MCCLE10 when registering here You can register for the Kids’ Run, 1 mile, 5k, 8k, 10k, half OR full marathon!

Some questions for you:

  • Have you gotten to run outside lately?
  • Do you do group runs?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs

5 thoughts on “Training Tuesday: Cleveland Marathon Kickoff Run (And Discount Code!)

  1. Happy birthday! I’ve been doing about half of my runs inside because of bad air quality, which is kind of the big winter weather issue here in Hong Kong. Not the same as all the snow and frigid temps you have to deal with, but a pain just the same.

  2. Happy Birthday!!!

    I do 99% of my running outdoors, no matter what the weather. But that doesn’t mean I enjoy all the conditions I run in! I don’t do group runs, but I do like to run with my friend, Steph.

  3. Happy Birthday! We had some really nice days here last week that I was able to get outside for. More snow today though. All the best with your marathon training!

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