Tuesdays on the Run: Running for TWO

Yes, in case you missed last week’s announcement or were still unsure by the title, I’m pregnant with baby #2 and trying to keep up my running. We’ll see how it goes, but if anything, I’ll be sharing the journey again here!

Here’s how last week went:

The week’s running highlights:

The week started off STRONG! I got in my longest and fastest (in a while) run on Sunday with B and FW. It was SO great being outside with the 2 of them, while B pushed FW in the stroller. We had plans to do 3-4 miles, and then when we got to 4, I told B that I hadn’t run 5 miles in a long time, so he suggested we just keep going. So we did.

We ran around some local lakes and then found another path that I’d never been to before and ran through there.

Miles 1-1.5  were okay, miles 1.5-3 were rough but I got a second wind a little after mile 3 and felt good enough to finish strong.

The rest of the week was just so-so in terms of running. Pregnant running his time around has been much harder, not sure if it’s because I’m so tired with FW or because this winter has been so cold and snowy, or a combination of the both. The rest of the week I mostly walked/ran on the treadmill.  I’m hoping to get outside again though soon.

I definitely need to raid B’s drawer for some workout tops!

Some questions for you:

  • Are you running any races this spring?
  • Do you like running on your birthday?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!

8 thoughts on “Tuesdays on the Run: Running for TWO

  1. You did great this week!
    This Spring I’m running the Shamrock Marathon in March and the Cleveland Half Marathon in May. I am looking forward to both races very much. I also love to run on my birthday – it makes me feel like I’m starting off another yea of life on the right foot 🙂

  2. YEAAAAH! Congrats!!!!! Running while pregnant honestly kiiiiind of sucks – but the best part is when you do a race and everyone around you is constantly telling you what a badass you are. That’s definitely the coolest ever!

  3. Incredible. Amazing that you are running while pregnant. I’ve heard it’s so great, but hard too?? You are inspiring me, and I look forward to reading your stories. I am a runner too, and love to write about it, but not babies. 🙂

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