Happy Birthday, GM

I can’t believe our baby boy is one. 

I of course remember so vividly the day he was born, coming two days early as a surprise (his birth story is here), and arriving so differently from our other children had. And he is still showing us just how different he is from his older brother and sister. 


In so many ways, he has been easier. He goes with the flow. We take him to his big brother and sister’s sports practices and games, events, and out where we go.


He slept through the night earlier than our other kids (THANK YOU!), so much so that sometimes I get up in the night more because of his siblings than him.


He has also been harder – he is on the go so much more than I remember FW or LM being. He is constantly moving. He is always climbing. He wants to put everything and anything in his mouth (which FW honestly never did). He wants to chase his siblings, and who could blame him?


And he we love him so much. WE love him. My heart couldn’t be more full than when he wakes up in the morning and his older siblings immediately dote on him, give him good morning hugs and kisses. And seeing his face light up when they enter his room to play. 


Yes, having three kids is HARD and TIRING. But we are so happy with our new addition. What a year it has been!


Happy birthday, GM. We love you!


I Have a Four-Year-Old

I’m not crying. I’m not crying. Nope. I’m not crying, I’m just in disbelief that I suddenly have a four year old.

FW turned four last week. He is no longer a baby, no longer a toddler, and sometimes when I look at him, I get a glimpse of what he may look like as a teenager. He has his own truly defined personality, his preferences and dislikes, taste in clothing, and more. He loves running (yay!), riding his bike and playing outside. He is an amazing big brother and a great helper, and I cannot imagine or remember life without him. It seems so long ago!

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LM is Two

My baby girl is two.

Born on her due date, coming into the world just a few minutes after we got to the hospital and before we even had a chance to officially check in, she has somehow grown into a sassy, opinionated, moody 2-year-old.

I won’t do a sappy post right now – there are too many emotions going on in my head right now anyway (#thankscovid), but instead, a simple post about how we celebrated the birthday.

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Fall Festivities

Bring on the fall festivities! This weekend was full of fall festivities, from Harvestfest at the kids’ school to our friends’ kids birthday parties, and we had a blast celebrating.

Friday started with Harvestfest at school. It meant bobbing for donuts (trying to eat a donut off a string without using your hands), getting sparkly tattoos, story time, a cookout and other kid-friendly activities.

FW and LM had a ball.

Saturday morning included some yard work.

And then, birthday party fun!

It was a costume party also, so FW wore his spiderman outfit and LM was a sheep.

It also included some pumpkin painting.

The evening included takeout from Aladdins. Because, who doesn’t love hummus? (Answer: FW. But he is still pretty picky)

Sunday, B and his dad spent the whole morning power washing. Meaning I hung out with FW and LM. We went for a walk/trike ride around the block.

We ran around the house and goofed off.

And we watched B do work.

The weekend also included a run, some dinner with family and a few other non-pictured activities. And as always, Sunday night came and went too fast. Now, onto a short (for me) week before I head out of town to see family!

Some questions for you:

  • Do you have any trips coming up?
  • What types of fall festivities do you have planned?

Finally Feels Like Springtime

I can’t say it enough – but I am so happy that it finally feels like spring is here in Cleveland! Could it possibly snow again? Yes, it’s happened before. But in the meantime, I’m so so ecstatic that we had a weekend where we could spend time outside and even sometimes without coats.

This weekend started out with a long run – 9 miles was on the schedule and I got it in while the whole house was still sleeping.

Friday night was nice out so we got in a family walk around the neighborhood.

And of course, some pizza. Roasted garlic and mushroom from Marotta’s – SO good.

Saturday morning started with an unplanned run. i had planned on taking the day off after my 9 miler, but it was 60 degrees and FW asked me if we could go for a stroller run, so we went out for 3 miles and enjoyed the sun.

We also had some fun indoors

Including a little baking therapy.

And then it was time to be back outside – it was B’s grandma’s 90th birthday and we had a celebration for her. And it was still nice enough to be outside.

We even got a family pic of us all outside! First family photo in forever.

Sunday was another gorgeous day. We started the day with a surprise birthday event — this time for my friend Lulu! Her husband had invited a bunch of her friends to dim sum to celebrate her birthday.

LM ate pretty much everything there was, which was great! I love that so far she’s not a picky eater.

The afternoon included playtime, naptime and some furniture making. B is finishing up some homemade porch furniture- they’re almost done!

And after a homemade dinner on the grill, the day and weekend were over. Here’s to hoping springlike weather stays all week!

Some questions for you:

  • Do you like dim sum?
  • Is it spring finally near you?

A weekend of celebrations

It was a busy, busy weekend for us- it reminded me of our weekends before we had kids when we just packed it all in. We had 2 birthday celebrations, brunch and more.

Friday started out with a work of Saint Patrick’s day party. We play the game with lucky charms and sadly I did not win.

Fridays during Lent mean no meat. B was originally going to make some veggie tacos, but we didn’t have any of the ingredients (whoops!) so we ordered takeout. Sushi is pretty much my favorite.

Saturday morning I had either a 5k on the schedule or 7 miles – I opted to do 7 miles and I’m glad I did. It was hard – I haven’t run that much since before LM was born and more than a year ago, but I was happy to have finished it.

Saturday afternoon, we celebrated B’s mom’s birthday. We started with some fun at an escape room.

And then, it was off to shuffleboard.

FW had fun hanging out with his cousins.

FW had fun until he took a spill. He split his lip in a few places and it was a little traumatic for all involved.

Sunday morning started with St. Patrick’s Day brunch! B invited over some friends for some traditional Irish food.

This meant eggs, soda bread, potatoes and lots of meats.

FW had fun playing with Celia.

That afternoon, FW had a birthday party to go to. He and LM were celebrating Clara’s 3rd birthday.

FW had a blast running and jumping around in the gym.

As did LM 🙂

Sunday night, we didn’t have dinner at B’s parents’ house since we had spent half the day with them Saturday. So, we did some meal prep and even made meatballs and sauce – FW was a great helper!

It was a fun but busy weekend – I’m glad we did so much but I’m also hopeful to relax a bit next weekend!

Some questions for you:

  • Are you a Lucky Charms fan?
  • Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

Too Much Fun Stuff

Well, I think we outdid ourselves this weekend. In just 2-ish days, our weekend included (and not in this order):

  • 2 Indians games
  • A date night
  • Cookie baking
  • Muffin making
  • A visit to a new local bar/brewery
  • A block party
  • A family birthday dinner
  • A 5K race
  • A nature walk

See what I mean? I didn’t even include work, which took up a few hours of my weekend as well! Good thing I like being busy.

Friday night started out with a date night! B and I went to the new Southern Tier and grabbed drinks. I of course had to get a Pumpking- they had a coffee stout kind that was amazing!

We will definitely be back.

After that, we were off to the Indians game! This is our 9th game of the season together.

It was just the 2 of us at the game for the first time all season! It was nice to just relax and enjoy the game.

Saturday morning FW and I let LM and B sleep in, so we started off the morning by making muffins!

Later in the morning, we took a walk to the nature center. It was packet pickup for a race we had planned for Sunday. FW enjoyed checking out the turtle.

And then we went fot a short nature walk.

That afternoon included some cookie baking.

And then we took said cookies in our wagon and headed to our block party!

Everything was really kid friendly. FW loved the chalk.

And the donut game- you had to try to eat it on the string without any hands!

There was also a game that involved eating whipped cream with no hands.

And an egg toss.

Not a bad block party, right?

Sunday morning started early with a 5k race around the Shaker Lakes.

It was my first race pushing the stroller the entire time – B pushed LM and I pushed FW – and it was fun!

My goal was to do under 10 minute miles and we did it – so I was happy.

In the afternoon, we headed to another Indians game. This time, with FW.

After the game, it was time for dinnernat B’s parents’ house. We celebrated his birthday with his favorite- steak for dinner and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for dessert.

And that’s a wrap! Some questions for you:

  • Do you like chocolate cake?
  • Did you get to do any races this weekend?

I’m linking up with the weekly wraps

Tuesdays on the Run: Running for TWO

Yes, in case you missed last week’s announcement or were still unsure by the title, I’m pregnant with baby #2 and trying to keep up my running. We’ll see how it goes, but if anything, I’ll be sharing the journey again here!

Here’s how last week went:

The week’s running highlights:

The week started off STRONG! I got in my longest and fastest (in a while) run on Sunday with B and FW. It was SO great being outside with the 2 of them, while B pushed FW in the stroller. We had plans to do 3-4 miles, and then when we got to 4, I told B that I hadn’t run 5 miles in a long time, so he suggested we just keep going. So we did.

We ran around some local lakes and then found another path that I’d never been to before and ran through there.

Miles 1-1.5  were okay, miles 1.5-3 were rough but I got a second wind a little after mile 3 and felt good enough to finish strong.

The rest of the week was just so-so in terms of running. Pregnant running his time around has been much harder, not sure if it’s because I’m so tired with FW or because this winter has been so cold and snowy, or a combination of the both. The rest of the week I mostly walked/ran on the treadmill.  I’m hoping to get outside again though soon.

I definitely need to raid B’s drawer for some workout tops!

Some questions for you:

  • Are you running any races this spring?
  • Do you like running on your birthday?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!

Tuesdays on the Run: Birthday Week Runs

Last week was my birthday week! My birthday was on Tuesday, and though we celebrated the weekend before, I also got to celebrate a little on the day-of with a birthday run (and semi-nice weather!) and birthday dinner. Here’s how last week looked:

The week’s running highlights:

I got in TWO runs outside! Monday morning it was drizzly but semi-warm and for the first time the snow and ice we had gotten the past few weeks had melted and I felt safe running outside. And because it was warm (40s-50s), running in the rain felt pretty amazing.

And Tuesday – my birthday – I got in another run outside! It made the best birthday gift to be outside, wearing capris, and running 4+ miles.

The rest of the week I stayed inside, but stuck to the treadmill in the mornings and still got in a few miles. Which is important – I’m trying to build a good base this winter so when it gets warm again, I’ll be back outside and running more again!

Speaking of being outside – here’s a friendly reminder, if you’re planning on running the Cleveland Marathon or any of the events this may (half marathon, 5k, 8k 10, 1 mile (new!) or kids run, use the code MCCLE10 for 10% off your entry fee. I’m an ambassador for the race, so I get to have fun discounts AND I’ll have a giveaway coming up!

Some questions for you:

  • Are you running any races this spring?
  • Do you like running on your birthday?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!