Some NEWS (Here We Go Again!)

For those of you that don’t know, B, FW and I have some EXCITING news to share.

We are well onto our way in expecting Baby #2!

It’s pretty evident that I’ve been hiding a baby, as you can sorta see in the above photo.

Can’t really see it? Okay, how about now? (Took the sweater off)

Yup! There it is – baby #2 has been hiding. So here are some of the updates for you:

  • Baby #2 is due at the end of May.
  • Once again, B and I are not finding out if it’s going to be a boy or a girl.
  • I’m feeling overall okay. I felt much more nauseous at the beginning of the pregnancy, and now I’m feeling much more tired. I’m still waiting for the second trimester high to kick in … but, I’m thinking that life with a toddler may be preventing that from happening! #sotiredallthetime
  • I’m still running! It is MUCH harder for me this time around, and I’m much slower than I was last pregnancy, but I’m happy to be still running (or walk/running) these days, even if it has been a lot of treadmill runs.

  • We have so much to do before baby #2 arrives at the house! We have to move FW into a toddler bed (and get him one of those …), we have plans to move him into a different room (the baby will get his room, as it has a built-in diaper changing table that B made), and a few other things. Oh, and somewhat finish our third floor and convert it into a guest room …
  • I had no idea the we’d need so much stuff for baby #2 – we were super minimalistic with FW because we were in a tiny apartment, but now that we have a house there are some basic things we’ll need that are still big ticket items – like a comfy chair for the new baby’s room for late night nursing! (In the apartment, I just used our current living room chair)
  • We probably have a boy’s name picked out, but still no girl’s name. It was the opposite with FW – we had a girl’s name (which B now no longer likes) but no boy’s name.

So there you go – the news is out! What questions do you have for us? Any tips for being pregnant AND having a toddler? Or surviving life with two kids?

I’ll leave you with this- a photo from when FW was just a newborn. Wow- time flies and I can’t believe we will have another one here in must be few months!

Tuesdays on the Run: Birthday Week Runs

Last week was my birthday week! My birthday was on Tuesday, and though we celebrated the weekend before, I also got to celebrate a little on the day-of with a birthday run (and semi-nice weather!) and birthday dinner. Here’s how last week looked:

The week’s running highlights:

I got in TWO runs outside! Monday morning it was drizzly but semi-warm and for the first time the snow and ice we had gotten the past few weeks had melted and I felt safe running outside. And because it was warm (40s-50s), running in the rain felt pretty amazing.

And Tuesday – my birthday – I got in another run outside! It made the best birthday gift to be outside, wearing capris, and running 4+ miles.

The rest of the week I stayed inside, but stuck to the treadmill in the mornings and still got in a few miles. Which is important – I’m trying to build a good base this winter so when it gets warm again, I’ll be back outside and running more again!

Speaking of being outside – here’s a friendly reminder, if you’re planning on running the Cleveland Marathon or any of the events this may (half marathon, 5k, 8k 10, 1 mile (new!) or kids run, use the code MCCLE10 for 10% off your entry fee. I’m an ambassador for the race, so I get to have fun discounts AND I’ll have a giveaway coming up!

Some questions for you:

  • Are you running any races this spring?
  • Do you like running on your birthday?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!

Sick toddlers and sunny Sundays

Whew. Having a sick toddler is tough. I’ll start out this post by saying that. Because that is how my weekend started out: nonstop snuggles with FW and caring for him, since he had a fever that started Thursday morning and didn’t magically go away after Motrin, as we hoped (got the call from daycare Thursday afternoon to pick him up).

So, my Friday mostly looked like this. After a short run in the morning, we were mostly sitting on the couch. Except he was mostly on my lap or in my arms. B was traveling for work and I had sick toddler duty.

We spent the day coloring and watching movies, something we don’t typically let FW do. It was in the 50s, but even when I took FW outside, he just wanted to be held.

B got home late and thankfully brought us Indian food for dinner! With FW in bed, it was eaten on my lap while we watched some Glow on Netflix.

Saturday morning, we took FW to the doctor. He of course seemed to be feeling better there and afterwards, so we decided to go out for breakfast! We went to Jack’s and I had some great challah French toast.

We also decided to go for a super short walk. It was near 50 degrees and it was nice to get outside and run around for a little bit. 

That afternoon included a long nap from FW, along with some cleaning. He was sorta helping …

For dinner, we took B’s grandmother out! We went to a place they used to go when they were kids, which had some good bar food. FW even ate some of his grilled cheese – well, he ate the cheese off the bread …

After dinner we decided to stop for a quick detour a the Container Store. We hadn’t been before and it was a new place for Francis to run around at. They have a wall that is just garbage cans!

The Container Store just happens to be right next door to a local ice cream shop, so of course we had to make a quick stop. I had the caramel fudge brownie and hazelnut – both flavors were great! 

Sunday included some running, napping, grocery shopping and enjoying a little time outside.

B, FW and I all went for a run together! B pushed FW in the stroller and we discovered a new path near our house to run along.

I had to stop and get a pic of the frozen lake, above, with the blue sky. A picture-perfect day for sure!

We finished 5 miles, which is the longest run I’ve done this year! It was 40 degrees, so FW may have been a little over bundled up 🙂 But he’s finally feeling better, thank goodness. Fingers crossed that he stays healthy for the rest of cold and flu season.

We finished the day with dinner with B’s family per our usual Sunday tradition. It’s always nice spending the evening with a home cooked meal among family and FW always enjoys seeing his cousins!

Some questions for you:

  • Do you have any Sunday traditions?
  • Favorite ice cream flavors?

I’m linking up with the weekly wraps!

Training Tuesday: Cleveland Marathon Kickoff Run (And Discount Code!)

Happy Tuesday! It’s actually a special Tuesday over here – it’s my birthday, woo woo!

And like any runner, I was looking forward to starting the day semi-early and going for a run.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Here is how last week’s runs went:

It was mostly an indoor week, but I did get in one outdoor run – Saturday was the Cleveland Marathon kickoff run! B and I did a 5k or so with FW in the stroller. 

It was a nice size group of people – you can’t see me in the group photo (just the top of my head- I’m in front of B and FW and behind the girl with the big pink hat) because I’m too short it seems! I should be closer to the front next time. I’m an ambassador for the race, so I hope to get out to another group run soon!

That run was the highlight of my week. I had been feeling in a slump, just trying to run on the treadmill lately and not really feeling it, but getting outside felt GREAT.

ALSO – exciting news! I have a 10% discount code if you are interested in registering for ANY of the Cleveland Marathon events. Use MCCLE10 when registering here You can register for the Kids’ Run, 1 mile, 5k, 8k, 10k, half OR full marathon!

Some questions for you:

  • Have you gotten to run outside lately?
  • Do you do group runs?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs

When Your Birthday is on a Tuesday – You Celebrate all Weekend!

It’s not every weekend that you can look back and think, wow that was fun. Luckily for me, this was one of those weekends. My birthday is Tuesday so we decided to spend some time on Saturday to celebrate. The celebration included pretty much all of my favorite things – good food, some relaxation and a run.

But first, Friday night included some takeout. Chipotle actually! FW was actually wearing his taco shirt, so it was pretty appropriate as he ate his quesadilla (one of the few foods he enjoys on occasion).

Saturday morning started with a group run! I haven’t run in a group in forever, but it was the Rite Aid Cleveland Marathon kickoff training run, and as an ambassador, I knew I had to be there and see some of my fellow ambassadors. 

B and FW came too and he pushed FW in the Bob for the hilly course.  Unfortunately, FW ended up crying literally the entire run. So, we decided to cut it short and ended up running about a 5k (the group ran 4 miles) and stopped when we got back o the course start.

This picture accurately displays how we both felt after the crying run.

We spent the afternoon cuddling, hanging out and reading plenty of books. And taking a few selfies.

We had some plans to go out to celebrate my birthday that afternoon, and B had arranged secretly for babysitters not only during the day, but also for the night. Meaning, we spent the night in a hotel – it was our first night that the both of us spent away from FW since he had been born!

We started the afternoon with a movie. We were originally going to go to the Cavs game, but didn’t get tickets in time, and it turned out not to be the best game, so I’m pretty happy we went to the movies. I really enjoyed The Post.

After the movie, it was time for dinner. We ate at Parkers, and had a really good meal. Our appetizer was pretty amazing-  we had the grilled octopus, which I highly recommend.

I had the lamb shank for my appetizer. I love lamb and hardly ever get it (or make it), so it was a nice treat.

We opted to go on a walk for dessert and hit up Corbo’s, which has a new bakery in Playhouse Square. I had some tiramisu gelato. B and I also shared some cookies.

Then, it was time for the surprise – the night in the hotel! The Kimpton has some pretty nice hotel rooms with fun decor.  We still went to bed pretty early (10:30 p.m.), but I somehow managed to sleep to 8:45 a.m.! I haven’t had that much sleep since before FW was born – it was pretty amazing and unexpected. 

We finished our date with FW with brunch. B and I did what I love to do most – split sweet and savory. We split the crab cakes eggs benedict and pancakes.

We then went to pick up FW, who was at his grandparents house and spent the afternoon together. It was fun to reunite with him after spending the time away!

The afternoon was low key. It included some books (FW’s new favorite is the Pout Pout Fish, thanks to our friends Joey and Lulu!), some playing and some cleaning.

And Sunday dinner at B’s parents’ house included birthday celebrations! My nephew and I both have January birthdays so we celebrated with ice cream cake – my favorite (I give B the chocolate and take his vanilla).

Some questions for you:

  • Do you like chocolate ice cream?
  • What do you do if your birthday is in the middle of the week?

I’m linking up with the weekly wraps!

Tuesdays on the Run: Three Days Outside!

We had a crazy week here weather-wise. It started out SUPER cold – like negative degrees. But then turned “warm” (20s-30s) and then actually warm (upper 50s!). And then cold and icy/snowy again.

That being said, due to the warm weather, I was able to get outside and run off the treadmill for the first time in 2018, which was GREAT. So here was this week’s mileage:

Some of the highlights:

The crazy weather for sure! Take a look at the weather and upcoming weather. Ick!

Being able to run in shorts/capris was definitely a highlight. One day I had a short-sleeved shirt on! And though it ended up pouring towards the end of my run and I was soaked, it was SO MUCH BETTER than being icy or slipper or frigid!

As you can see by the above forecast- it looks like I’m going to be back indoors for a few more days again as the cold and ice has returned. Oh well- hre’s to hoping that it warms up again and I am back outside running again soon!

  • Did it warm up near you? Or were you able to be outside?
  • What’s the coldest you like to run in?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!

Three-Day Weekends Are Better Than Two-Day Ones

This is the OMG IT’S A THREE-DAY WEEKEND?! face.

Okay, maybe not – this was his face when we went out to breakfast, because that’s how our weekend started. With pancakes! I got the lemon ricotta pancake because it’s truly the best. It’s custardy and I pretty much am in love with anyone and everything lemon that’s sweet. I also don’t typically put butter or syrup on them either, because they’re just so good.

Friday started out with 58 degrees and rain (and a run in short sleeves!) – and then it ended up with sleet and then snow. The weather actually got so bad that my Friday night plans had to change. I was originally supposed to have a girls night with my sisters-in-law and go to the art museum to see their new Jazz Age exhibit, but due to the weather, the museum closed early!

Luckily, our dinner plans didn’t fall through and we were able to have some french food at L’Albtross.  We started with cheese …

And after our main course, ended with dessert!

Saturday was pretty good too. The day included some surprise chocolates from B — Mitchell’s has some great chocolates near me, and I love their pretzels and chocolate covered ginger.

The day also included a 2+ hour car nap for FW!

While he napped, I baked some zucchini breakfast cookies for FW to hopefully enjoy. They weren’t that sweet, but I’m hoping FW will want to eat them for breakfast. 

After the nap, we headed to the art museum to finally catch the Jazz Age exhibit. Since the museum was closed early Fri. night, we were able to exchange our tickets and go Saturday.  All of us ladies couldn’t all schedule the same time, but

I was able to go with B and FW – and Katie – instead.

The exhibit was great! It had so many cool parts and pieces – jewelry, textiles, cars, dresses, and more.

After the art museum, we went to Little Italy for some pizza and dessert.

It was a cold night but we had to walk to get some pastries, too!

Chocolate cannoli and rainbow cookies. My favorite!

Sunday morning started off with some ME time! B and FW went outside to brave the cold and get in some sleighing, while I stayed home. I was able to get in a short run and walk.

I was also able to start some cookies (and do some laundry,  but that’s not as exciting 🙂 ) – so that means I baked TWICE this weekend!

We finished off Sunday with a trip to visit our friends’ new baby girl (she is so sweet!!!). I brought some of the cookies over and B made some homemade chicken soup to bring as well.

And then it was time for a Polish-inspired dinner with B’s family, where FW enjoyed playing with his cousins. Pretty much perfect comfort food for a COLD weekend!

FW’s daycare is closed tomorrow, so I’m spending the day with him. Thus, the three-day weekend! Some questions for you:

  • Any tips for keeping a toddler entertained when it’s cold and snowy/icy outside?
  • Do you like Polish food?

I’m linking up with the weekly wraps!

Tuesdays on the Run: Stuck Inside

The theme for last week is “BRRR.” Really – this past week was frigid. The high most days was less than 10 degrees, with wind chills making it much, much colder. When the “feels like” temps are in the negative teens, it’s very hard to go running outside.

Still, I got in a few run/walks on my new treadmill and made it to just over 20 miles for the week.

Check out my new watch! It was a gift from B for Christmas and I LOVE it. After my FitBit broke down AGAIN (4 times!), I knew it was time for something better. And so far, I’m loving this beautiful Garmin.

And — introducing my other BIG gift. My treadmill! It’s thanks to this, that I had been able to get in any runs this week. 

ALSO – I’m so excited to share that once again I’ll be returning as an Official Ambassador for the 2018 Cleveland Marathon! I reapplied this year and feel so so so fortunate to be able to represent this great race.

Check out some of the other ambassadors – their names and blogs are all here.

As an ambassador, I will receive free race admission AND get race admission to give away to you, so stay tuned. Also, stay tuned for information on my training and which race(s) I’ll be running. (See here for my recap of last year’s race – I did the 8k/half marathon challenge!)

Some questions for you:

  • Do you have any spring races on your radar yet?
  • Did you stay inside or brave the cold on your runs this week?

Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs!

Keeping Warm in the Burbs

It was another COLD weekend here in Cleveland. The temps were highs in the single digits, with windchills making it much much colder. It made it hard to want to go outside, but as you can imagine, with an 18-month-old energetic boy, staying inside all weekend is not an option.

Some highlights from the past few days:

FW had his 18-month checkup. He’s still a little guy, but everything looks a-okay. Plus his doctor’s office is decorated with jungle animals, which he quite enjoys!

FW and B made breakfast over the weekend! Scrambled eggs and some local nitrate-free bacon from a local butcher.

It was delicious!

We stayed bundled up inside and outside.

And even ventured out to Ohio City for lunch and a trip to the Market.

Jambalaya soup for me 🙂 

A few minutes in the snow.

Then it was back inside for some baking. FW likes these muffins and they’re pretty healthy – they’re spinach and banana. 

Yes, FW likes these – a fistful in his mouth!

I also made some almond butter. We had been running low and spending time indoors gave me some time to do so. 

I took Saturday off from exercise, but I did get a few miles – inside – on Sunday. It “warmed up” but was still “feels like -1” with winds 15 mph and higher, so I decided to stay inside. I am so so so grateful for my treadmill – I’ve been getting in many miles this week with it!

Also, while staying inside this weekend, B and I got up to speed on Game of Thrones. OMG … I can’t believe I will have to wait until 2019 for the next (and final!) season to come out.

So now we wait.

Some questions for you:

  • Do you watch Game of Thrones?
  • Were you stuck inside this weekend?

I’m linking up with the weekly wraps!

Scenes from a COLD and Snowy New Year Celebration

B and I hosted our first gathering at our home this week! We decided to have some friends over for a low-key New Year’s Eve – complete with food, some drinks, and a few babies/toddlers.

The day started with some COLD outside play for FW. Confession – I didn’t leave my house at all that day because it was so cold, so while B and FW were outside (FW was outside for all of 5 minutes or so) to shovel, play, etc. I was inside helping to prep everything.

We did some decorating had tons of food!  We finally got to use our dining room, too, which was great – it’s a room that we’ve done a good amount of work to since moving in (painting, putting in a new ceiling, taking out the fan, getting  a new light fixture, plus a rug and furniture) so it was so much fun to share it!

We had a ton of food to share – most of it isn’t even pictured! But B and I made pepperoni bread, pizza, baked ziti, eggplant parmesan and Lidia’s Brussels sprouts. We had friends bring over some delicious dips and charcuterie. 

Oh, and of course I made some desserts. In addition to the graham cracker toffee that I’ve now made 3 times this holiday season, I also made some peanut butter cup cupcakes and mocha cupcakes. 

FW had fun hanging out with all our friends. 

Especially his friend Celia 🙂

FW didn’t stay up until midnight (we put him to bed late though – probably around 9:30?), but I made it until 1:30! Which is a big deal fro me 🙂

Happy 2018! Hope yours is off to a fabulous start.

See more fun with the Lou Lou girls linkup.