Five Friday Fitness-Related Favorites

Happy Friday! I’m joining the Fit Friday Five linkup today to share Five Fitness-related Favorites. Say that five times fast amiright? 

Now that my leg is nearly recovered, I’m feeling like I am finally getting back in the groove of my fitness routine. I’m back to running (somewhat) regularly, doing cross training, planking daily (up to 2:30!) and fitting in push ups and other exercises. So here are five things that I’m loving lately, related to fitness:

Note – there are some affiliate links below, but I really do love all these!

A good pair of shoe inserts. These are my go-to orthotic inserts for my running shoes. They are (relatively) cheap (compared to prescription ones) and they last me a while. Each time I buy a new pair of running shoes, I remove the inserts that come with them and add these instead. They’re so easy to use and keep me feeling supported when running!

From their website (but I’ve also bought at Amazon and from Fleet Feet)

PowerStep Pinnacle Insoles | Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Pain Relief Orthotic


My massage gun. I was gifted with the Bob and Brad C2 Pro Massage Gun and it has become part of my routine. I use it weekly on my legs and lower back to help loosen up sore areas or places that I’m tight at. It comes with different tips, and you’re able to use it as a hot OR cold massager, which I LOVE. I’m always cold in the winter and love the heat option. I haven’t used it in the summer, but I know the cold will be lovely in summertime. It also comes with a carrying case, which makes it easy for when I bring it from the basement (where I work out) to other areas of the house.   Note — if you want to try out this massage gun for yourself, here is a 10% off discount code: PRC2PRO10. I don’t personally benefit from this code, but you do get a good deal, thanks to the Bob and Brad team.  


A variety of core workouts. I have been trying to do a plank every day, and am doing 2-2:30 minutes ata time most days, which is great for me! I also like to switch it up and try different online core workouts. One of my favorite fitness influencers who has a variety of core workouts that I’m loving these days is Pamela Reif. She has a ton of pilates, yoga, aerobics and core/ab workouts, which I have been trying out. And best of all – they’re all free and online for anyone!  

My running vest. In Cleveland, it’s the season of in between weather. And on those days where it’s not quite cold enough for a jacket, but it’s too cold for just a shirt (or when I just want some extra pockets), I THRIVE in my running vest. I had a Nike one for years, which I have loved, but as it got older and more worn, I was looking for a new option. I found this affordable one (more affordable than some major running brands) on Amazon which has been perfect for me! In the winter I was wearing it over my running layers for extra heat. This week, one morning it was in the 40s and I wore shorts, a long sleeve and this vest. It’s perfect if you’re looking for something with pockets, that’s affordable and less frills. 

(Yes, the brand name is “Little Donkey,” which is hilarious)

I’m wearing it in this photo – I brought it to Thanksgiving for their turkey trot!


Local raw honey. What does honey have to do with fitness you ask? Plenty! Well for me, at least. I LOVE honey for my fuel for long runs. I have honey packets for carrying with me during long runs. And because I’ve been fighting a cold, I’ve been having a teaspoon (err..or a few teaspoons) of the raw honey that we bought at Pancake Town a few times a day – before my run, and later in the day as well. It not only gives me energy, but I truly believe in its healing powers. Oh and it tastes delicous!


Shoe inserts, a massage gun, online core workouts, my running vest and raw honey – those are what’s keeping me fitness-happy lately. What about you?

Fit Five Friday is hosted by My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and The Running Teacher 

Questions for you:

  • Do you like honey? I admit I’m kind of a honey fanatic.
  • Do you wear a running vest often?

Friday Favorites and a Virtual Coffee Date

Happy first day of March! I’m joining several other bloggers today for a virtual coffee date, which is fun. I can’t remember the last time I did an actual real-life coffee date with someone (it’s been some time), so it’s fun to share with you instead some things I’ve been enjoying lately. 

Over coffee, I would tell you that these are five things I’ve been grateful for lately:

Note – there are some affiliate links below, so if you decide to buy my bike, thanks in advance 🙂 But I really do love all these!

This tea. Okay, I don’t actually drink caffeine regularly, so if we were having a coffee date, I’d probably be sipping on some delicious tea – Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice. And this tea has been giving me life lately. If I do need a little jolt of energy, this is what I’m brewing these days. If you like cinnamon, I highly recommend it!


My exercise bike. I have been getting over a running injury (ugh!) and I’ve been so grateful to have my Merach exercise bike to get me through the past few weeks. It has kept me sane when I can’t run, and also given me a way to sweat and work some new muscles that I don’t focus on when running. It’s no Peloton, but I does it’s purpose and is a great bike for when cycling is your cross-training and not your primary workout. Oh, and it’s a great tool to have when your toddler is waking up at 6 am on weekends and wants to watch Daniel Tiger …


This nail polish. I go through phases with my nails, but I have always loved a good painted nail. This Esse Gel Couture is a polish I use at home (thanks to my friend Emily for introducing me to it!) and it lasts longer than my traditional home “manicure.” I’ve done my nails on a Friday or Saturday and gone to work most of the following week with it still looking good, and that says something! Best of all – it’s regular nail polish. No need for any UV light or do anything special to take it off. I use regular polish remover with acetone and a cotton ball and it comes right off. I have this bright red color and the below pink, which is an amazing nude color.


What I’m reading lately. After reading Killers of the Flower Moon, I wanted to find an easy, short book and this was everything I was looking for.  Sourdough was a light, fast read. It wasn’t my favorite book of the year but it was quick and easy. It also made me think about getting into the sourdough baking cult (yes, I know I’m 4 years too late). 


Morning walks. As the weather starts to get warmer, I’m so glad to be able to get in a short morning walk with GM after the big kids go to school. The bus picks them up around 7:15, and if I’m working from home, I have a 45 minutes or so to kill before starting my day. While it was chilly some mornings this week, we had some beautiful 50-60 degree days with a gorgeous sunrise and I was able to get GM out for a few miles. These walks have also been key to my sanity while I’m not running – getting in any movement has been a blessing!


Hope you liked my first Ultimate Coffee Date/Fit Five Friday linkup! 

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Ultimate-Coffee-Date-1.jpgUltimate Coffee Date is hosted by Coco and Deborah
Fit Five Friday is hosted by My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and The Running Teacher 

Questions for you:

  • Do you drink coffee or tea regularly?
  • How often do you paint your nails or get them done?

2023 Summer Family Vacation — Part 2, A Few Days in Philly

After our quick trip in NY, it was off to our hotel in Philly! We had plans to be there four nights and do a mix of some historic stuff, patriotic stuff, food stuff, and plenty of walking around. Here’s a little about what our week entailed:

HOT weather. I’m talking about hot. I went for a run one day and it was feels like 100+ degrees early in the morning! I can’t imagine how hot it really was later in the day.

The kids (and B) were troopers and we still got in plenty of walking each day. We visited The Liberty Bell, saw where the Declaration of Independence was signed and even saw what was left of George Washington’s early home.

We saw the city’s Fourth of July Parade.

We went to their Fourth of July festival! Philly did it big – they had a huge party downtown with tons of food vendors, a free concert and fireworks. The concert included Ludacris and Demi Lovato and we may have kept the kids up a little too late just so we could participate in some of the festivities.

We checked out Reading Terminal Market on more than one occasion. FW enjoyed a real Philly cheesesteak! I was partial to the cookies.

We (per usual) got in plenty of hotel pool time – each day we let the kids burn some energy in the water.

We also got in some good museum time. We checked out the Franklin Institute and the kids had a blast running around and interacting with all the exhibits.

Another day, we went to the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. They also had a lot of fun things for the kids to do, including several dino exhibits and a room with small animals and bugs for the kids to touch.

We visited Chinatown, and stopped for a sweet drink.

I also was able to get in two runs, which isn’t always easy when traveling with the family. Luckily, B was able to take the kiddos two different mornings while I got to go running. One of the days I ran up the famous Rocky steps at the Art Museum!

We even got in two side trips to see friends, including our friend Mitch from Boston College. He and his wife Becca have two kids, so we were able to join them for dinner one night and our kids loved playing with their kids and playing with their outdoor water equipment.

On the way back, we stopped in Lancaster to meet up with my friend and former coworker, Wendy. She showed us around the cute downtown, we enjoyed lunch at a crepe restaurant, some post-lunch candy shopping at the fun Swedish candy shop, and some book purchases at their kid bookstore.

As always, it was a bummer when the trip ended. We didn’t cross off nearly everything on our list, so I hope we can come back soon!

Thankful in 2022

Happy belated Thanksgiving! I’m feeling extra thankful this year, because for the first time in five years, I was able to spend time with my extended family and celebrate Thanksgiving with them.  Thanks to the pandemic, it had been several years since we were able to go back to Connecticut and spend Thanksgiving with my family and I am so grateful for B and the kids for driving 20+ hours just so I could see my family and also get in a Turkey Trot.

In honor of our trip, here’s a non-running blogpost about what our adventure included:

We left Ohio Tuesday evening, and drove about 5 hours to Pennsylvania. We stopped for dinner along the way, and after that, most of the kids were able to sleep during the ride thankfully.

Wednesday morning, we got in hotel breakfast (yay for waffle makers, cottage cheese, and hard boiled eggs!), and then a nice trip to the hotel pool. The kids all had a blast splashing around. After we checked out, we walked around the downtown of the city we had stayed in, stopping in a coffee shop and book store, which was apparently one of the oldest independent book stores in the U.S. We of course left with new books to keep us entertained in the car for a little.


Wednesday’s 4+ hour car trip was a little more eventful. We hit traffic, so I found us a local road, which ended up being windy and left FW and GM feeling sick. GM ended up getting car sick, so we had to stop along the way to clean him up, and then a few more stops to help FW feel better. Eventually, we made it to Connecticut, and I was able to pick up my race packet just before they closed down. Then, it was time for dinner! We were able to meet up with my extended family for dinner at a local Asian restaurant.

Thursday morning we got up early for the Stratford Turkey Trot! I’m so grateful for B and the kids for putting up with my crazy running needs. The race had a free kids run that I ended up signing FW and LM up for at the last minute, which I’m so glad I did! They had a clown and a turkey warming the kids up at their starting line, and then giant turkey-themed medals at the finish!


Then it was time for my race! The course was around the neighborhoods of Stratford, and while it started out crowded, it ended up spacing out during the course and was an enjoyable race. It wasn’t my fastest 5K by far, but I finished and felt good.

After that, we headed back to the hotel to get in some pool time before Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt and uncle’s house. Dinner was great – my parents had gotten into town and again, it was so great to see my family.


Friday morning, the kids got in one more trip to the pool while I got in a short treadmill run before getting on the road again. This time, we were driving to New Jersey to visit my aunt, my cousin, and her two kids. I hadn’t seen her since 2019 and was excited to introduce her to our newest baby as well as meet hers (again, thanks pandemic!).


After spending the afternoon with my cousin in New Jersey, we got back in the car to make the drive to upstate NY to spend the night at my parents’ house.

Saturday morning, I got up for a run near my parents’ house, and then we all headed to a nearby playground to let the kids burn some energy before we got in the road just in time for naptime.

The ride back was long, and we decided at the last minute to push through and get home Saturday night late. We didn’t get to bed until after midnight, but it was great sleeping in (and waking up in) my own bed Sunday morning!

We did it. We survived 20+ hours in the car with three kids, including a 16-month-old. I don’t recommend it, but it was worth it.

And now…. let the holiday season truly begin!

One week to go …

Oh my goodness. It is ONE WEEK until race day! That’s right, the countdown is here – next weekend, I’ll be spending my Saturday and Sunday running the Cleveland Marathon Challenge Series.

I can’t believe how fast the training cycle went – it seems like only yesterday I was starting out with my long runs of 6-7 miles. But here we are, last week I ran 11 miles and I’m hopefully ready to pound out 13 miles on the pavement.

This week was a little different with training. I was out of my routine, because I was traveling for work. This was my first work trip in three years and it meant a few early mornings, long days, and some uncomfortable shoes. But. I was still able to get in some runs most days. I didn’t follow my typical training plan, but I wasn’t beating myself up too much – at this point, I’m not sure how much of a difference it makes in my performance next week.

Here’s how the week looked:

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Introducing GM (and his birth story)

Reader Advisory:

The following may be TMI  for the average reader who comes here to hear about my race training and workouts. It is a post about our newest arrival – GM! Before having kids, the thought of reading a birth story was strange to me. I didn’t understand why people shared them and what the point of documenting them was. But I’m so glad I captured LM’s (here), and I’m happy to share GM’s too. So, if you aren’t interested, please feel free to stop reading now 🙂 


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Some Hot Chicago Running

This week, I was lucky enough to get away from home for a few days and enjoy a short vacation with the family. We decided to take one last family vacation before the new baby comes, so we packed up the car and headed to Chicago!

We had a great time, and it was wonderful to spend some time with B, FW and LM. Work has been really busy lately, so having quality time with everyone was something that I don’t take for granted. And, I was able to get in some running with a change of scenery, which was definitely needed. My favorite places to run are along water, but also in cities – and Chicago has both! So I spent most of my days running along the lakefront trail. And this week I hit a milestone and goal I had set for myself recently – 400 days of my running streak!

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My Favorite Books This Year – 2020

This post was supposed to just be a post about books I read this year, but as I wrote it, I couldn’t help but think about my uncle who recently passed away. One of the people I would typically enjoy comparing book notes with each year was my Uncle Barry. He – along with my parents – is one of the reasons I’m such an avid reader today (he was a reading teacher and always bought me his favorite books when I was growing up). And this time of year, as I’ve grown older, we typically talk through the latest books we’ve read and what we’ve enjoyed over the past year.

I wish I had a chance to share with him my reading list this year. It is much larger than other years, thanks to the pandemic. I would’ve loved hearing if he had read any of these, and see what he would’ve recommended I start with next year. But instead, I’ll be sharing my recommendations with you. And, I hope you can share yours with me, too! I know I’ll be needing some new ideas as I continue to read/listen my way into the New Year.

*Note: These are all Amazon affiliate links. But if you have a local bookstore near you, PLEASE consider purchasing from them! I took most of these out from my local library, but the ones that I purchased I did so from my local store, Appletree Books. If you’re local, they offer free delivery AND make the purchasing process so easy!

In no order:

Half of a Yellow Sun

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200 Days of Running

This past week I hit a running milestone I never would’ve imaged (or strived for) — I made it to 200 days of my running streak!

In 200 days, here’s what running has looked like:

Total miles:

  • Average mileage: 5.75 miles
  • Number of races: 3 (all virtual)
  • Number of stroller runs: 10
  • Number of treadmill runs: 8

But, I think my days of streaking are coming to an end. The mornings are getting colder and some days I think about how nice it would be to just let my body rest, especially as my plantar fasciitis has been hurting on and off for the past few months. But until then, here’s how my week looked:

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Pumpkin Whoopee Pies with Cream Cheese Frosting

It’s fall! And with the cooler temps, means that I’m READY for all the fall baking! This weekend, we baked some apple cinnamon bread and pumpkin whoopee pies. Both recipes were good, but the whoopee pies were requested by B and they came out SO good. I highly recommend that if you find yourself a can of pumpkin (which is hard these days!) you make these.

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